Toil of Joy.
Working hard clay with rocks is toilsome. Clearing land comes at a cost of long days, and I was hoping that this day was one the last ones for a section of yard work. After all the work in dirt and mud, there is still 25 feet to finish the ditch before sunset. I was complaining under my breath.
Other important work in writing was going slow as well. When my eyes could not look at the screen any longer, I took breaks outside to try to finish the ditch, but I was tired. Nothing was going according to schedule. This particular day, it became a bit too much.
In a flash I had a picture and a message. The picture was of the Carpenter working long days as head of the family. The Promised One was nearly 30. None of the mighty works He would do had started. The work was not easy, but He never complained, never treated a customer badly, and always did it right. He toiled for me, who does not do it right, often complains, and sometimes treats others badly. So, the reminder from the Spirit of God was simple. Christ’s life and death, for me and everyone else, was at the end of a life of toil for the joy set before Him. In doing this, He made a way for me to be redeemed from my sin.
In the end, I survived the ditch work and the writing of the third edition of the biblical creation book. The yard area will now drain properly and be usable.
The book is now rearranged and rewritten for pastors and church leaders in Asian places where resources are scarce, or the region is not open to the Gospel. The first completed and edited files have been sent to the first ministry that will effectively use them in a number of places.
All the work for the book is not done. Addendums have to be written, and images and sketches have to be brought together. Kits of examples for key people have yet to be assembled. But I am thankful for the joy of the toil, having been corrected and gently rebuked by the One whom we serve together.
It is a good day to give thanks.
Hebrews 12:2 “…looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Congratulations that is great.