Inspirational Blogs

Welcome to the Inspirational Blogs page of Christworks Ministries.

Jesus Christ is the Master of teaching through parables. His creation, people, and things became the visual pictures for object lessons he presented. The blogs on this site, in like manner, present short biblical lessons or principles based on things we have observed and experienced. We find God teaches us constantly in this manner.

The blogs have proven to be popular, so we have organized them under the INSPIRATIONAL BLOGS drop-down menu as follows:

Parables of the Earth are derived from personal observations of earth (it’s topography, plant, or animal life).
Parables of the Sky are derived from actual observations periods of the skies, where we have observed things in the heavens. It includes daytime observations of the skies as well. Many of the earth and sky posts are motivated by and put in the context of biblical creation.
People Stories are derived from personal observation and experience with people.
Faylene’s Perspective are inspirational posts by Faylene Beard
Roland’s Blog are posts on Roland Beard

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