Overview. The ABOUT US menu option includes several drop-down options. Four of those subjects are part of our formal records and are introduced below:
Every non-profit organization has governing documents that include statements that comprise the legal definition for the general purpose of the organization. CHRISTWORKS MINISTRIES is no different. The of the critical paragraphs shown on this site are extracted directly from the first page of our Articles of Incorporation that are registered in the state of Virginia. The same paragraphs appear on the front page of our Constitution and By-Laws. Our project work, activities, and functions, which are regularly reviewed at board meetings, are in keeping with these words. In other words, our formal purpose is practical because it is a living guide to what we do. Since we are Bible-based and Christian in orientation, Bible references in our governing document are the foundation stone for activities.
Ministry reports consist of project summaries, status, or plans at junctures after significant periods of activity. Reports are listed chronologically and are usually based on presentations that we have made to local churches or groups. We invite you to look at the reports we have posted, but remember that each one is date specific. The annual summary reports are primarily done for those who follow us on the web site and are interested in staying abreast of our activities.
The content of the TAX REPORTS page (ABOUT US > RECORDS > TAX REPORTS) is the last fiscal year report that was required by the Commonwealth of Virginia or the Internal Revenue Service of the United States. The type of report to the IRS depends on the level of contribution of the organization. Our contributions have been far below that which requires a standard 990EZ report, but we do file an e-Postcard (990N) at our current level of contributions. The state requirements are different. We annually submit a Form 102 (concerning solicitation) and a report of officers/directors to the Corporation Commission. The Form 102 can be requested from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, PO Box 1163, Richmond VA 23218.
A key attachment to the Form 102 is our “CHRISTWORKS MINISTRIES President and Treasurer’s Report.” The President and Treasurer’s Report includes a review of our financial status, major projects, a Profit and Loss Statement, a Balance Sheet, and projections for activity in the months ahead. The report is usually posted in the latter part of each calendar year.
Bible-based conduct is expected of all participants in the ministry – from directors to volunteers. In a day when moral guidelines in our culture are changeable and not often applied, this ministry uses the Bible as the authority for personal conduct. Our founding documents include key references that we follow; the same standards apply to volunteers. We may have projects that assist people with many types of problems. They may have conduct we that we may not condone, but Jesus assisted people without partiality. The lack of partiality did not prevent him from addressing sin as sin. Thus, we uphold these standards by the grace of God. Extractions from our governing documents, which include key Biblical references, are in this section (ABOUT US > BIBLE-BASED CONDUCT).