Tax Reports

CHRISTWORKS MINISTRIES tax or government-related reporting is limited to three submissions. Two of them are the Commonwealth of Virginia (the  Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and the State Corporation Commission). The IRS submission is an e-postcard since our contribution level is so low. We generally change or update the information on this site to show the last fiscal year financial summary (August 1 of a given year and end July 31 of the following year).  Board members discuss the reporting after the end of fiscal year along with a general report of activities and projections of expenses for the near future. This page only has the financial summary. General and projected activity is in the <Ministry Reports> submenu.

The text reports that are below are our standard finance reports that are generated from financial software. They are reviewed by board members and signed/submitted as required to the Commonwealth of Virginia, where this non-profit is based. If you have any questions, please contact us.

The financial reporting for August 1, 2022=3 to July 31, 2024 is comprised of a Profit and Loss statement as well as a balance sheet that are shown below:


Contributions continue to be low. There are no physical assets. Our only financial asset is the checking account balance. Private funds have helped supplement mission trip costs to support our major project in the Philippines.



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