The Sureness of God-Authored Creation

As stated in our local church so many times, “God created us on purpose and for a purpose.” While I have heard this a few times, the Bible states it in a hundred ways, which is clearly in the face of a culture of unbelief, or perhaps one should say, a belief in what is right in man’s own eyes that is dominant around the world.

What is the general nature of the culture we live in? As far as I know, for the last century secular educational institutions around the world declare that our world and the cosmos self-developed. The belief is solid enough to teach little ones and young ones that it is true, without any serious consideration of the assumptions involved. It is a house of cards, so to speak, because it is not defensible with known experimental science. Science is wonderful. I am an engineer by training. I love to see solutions to problems and apply science to them. However, origins (who we are and where we come from) is an entirely different matter. It is not testable. It is history. But the history taught to the young and old centers around one assertion: we live in a self-developed universe. The heart and soul of evolution or naturalism is that it all happened by itself, including us.

With all due respect to fellow human beings, the assertion of a self-developing universe is ludicrous. The assertion demands so much time, in terms of billions of years, because the likelihood is essentially zero. Not only are the physics completely unknown compared to the orderly laws we know about, the assumption of self-evolving order to something living to finally get to a human being is a leap that is a jump much farther.

Genetics tells us we are, in essence, slowly de-volving as our complex characteristics continue to gain mistakes from generation to generation. The heavens ‘tell’ us that stars are dying, not birthing themselves as so commonly and emphatically stated. Core principles of thermodynamics show the ‘entropy’ principle characterizes everything. Disorder in increasing, not decreasing. But versions of the Big Bang and the idea that we came from primordial soup appear to be rock solid. They are empty assertions.

On the other hand, God plainly states that He created all things (Genesis 1 and 2, Hebrews 1, John 1, and dozens of other references). He did it by command and quickly in our terms, six days. He goes further in the Prophets and the Psalms, stating that He is God, and there is no other. He declares the substance of man (what his heart is made of), and what man did that changed our course shortly after the creation week. God declares repeatedly why we so desperately need a Savior from our plight of trusting what is best in our own eyes.

For this reason, I sit with young people in the Philippines, Cambodia, a few places in the US, or wherever I get the opportunity to declare, in essence, that the Bible is true as stated. We are created by Him for a purpose. And the mess we are in is not His doing, it is ours from insisting we have a better idea about being our own god. That decision had consequences then, and it does now. So, the house of cards the world asserts states that the Mighty Creator and Redeemer had nothing to do with what we see around us. The world is poor and needy but does not know it. So, I share of His truth. He is God. He made heaven and earth as He stated. He oversees everything and forgets nothing. And He waits for people to call out to Him and find their way to Him (see Acts 17 in the speech to the Athenians by Paul). Being born again into His Kingdom is precisely what God wants, and He knows that we are not capable of making that happen. That is why it takes a Savior. He died for all by taking our mess upon Himself, and then rose from the dead to assert that He had all authority to raise us also. He has paid for our gross misjudgments and evil and waits for us to call on Him.

When I sit and talk to a lost young person, especially those hurt and beaten by circumstances or their own errors or sin, I declare His goodness, mighty power, ability to save, and ability to live in us if we will give Him our heart. In the process, my wife and I help them see that believing in a house of cards that deletes their very Creator needs to be reconsidered in light of who God is and what He says in those early chapters of Genesis.

Do you have questions about these things, about where you come from, and about where you think you are headed? The Bible has answers, and they are infinitely more trustworthy than that core assertion that you came from some sort of thing that was less than human.

Get our free cell phone App if you want to consider these things on your own. We don’t track who gets it or even why. In the Apple store or the Play Store for Android (the place you get applications), type “Creation Study Helps”. Look for the white hand with the blue background. You can find links on this site. If you don’t want to trust the course we present, go to, or, or for other sources that say the same things we do. Mostly, read the Bible. It is true. It is for you. Last, seek out believers in the God of the Bible. If their walk appears godly and they are at peace about who they are and where they are from (like us), you might hear some of the same things being mentioned in this short article.

It is our hope you get to know Him, the God of all creation, and the Saviour, Jesus Christ.

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