The Hidden Sentinels

In an era of confusion and delusion, it is like Jesus’ description of a field that had good seed, but other seed had been planted also. The instruction from the master was to let the good seed and the weeds grow together, lest the premature gathering of the weeds destroy some of the good seed (Matthew 13:24-30). Today is also like the parable of the sower, earlier in the same chapter, where the path to fruitfulness is explained in the larger context of multiple paths that lead to destruction or a lack of fruitfulness. Christ understood man’s propensity to make a mess of things, yet the Good News of Christ, the very Creator of the world and everything in it, continues to be shared and exhibited.

How is faith in God sustained in such a mess?

The Epistles explain to us repeatedly to lay aside evil, to put off the practices that the world has that are ungodly. And as the life of Christ grows within, different motivations and directions begin to take shape. A life becomes changed.

When the Light of Life shines on special ones who continue to obey the call of God and walk accordingly, they become sentinels of faith, or defenders, or beacons of light to others. One can find them, but they are often hidden. They conduct quiet lives, are thankful for the life God has given them, pray, lend a hand to neighbors, have simple but clear testimony of the One they follow, and often suffer. They frequently care for those in need and are unafraid to lend help in one way or another. I have met a few of them and pray for many more in lands I may never get to see in person.

It does not matter how nasty things might seem, believers, who are sentinels by example and prayer, need encouragement to remain standfast. There is no such thing as an in-grown home or church to them, they always seem to have an eye that sees people around them. Sometimes it is next door. Sometimes it is far away.

Brothers and sisters of the faith, who have received Jesus Christ, encourage each other daily. Love fervently. Be active to forgive others. Be an example in living life unto God. Pray for others. As God intended, let your living faith grow. And, pray for those who are like minded. Do not swerve away from the faith, thereby bringing no fruit to fulness. There are many suffering in the faith. If possible, help them. Pray for them. Invest in others. Be outward looking as Christ was on every road He walked. He always aimed to please the Father and do anything He was instructed to do. Are you? That is what makes a sentinel.

Then, a light will shine to those still in darkness, and many more might come to know Him. Be a sentinel of the faith in a walk with Jesus Christ.

in the mission field with many others,



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