The little 8-foot pram sailboat heeled over in the stiff wind until the tops of waves were splashing over the gunwales. I wore out the mast on that little boat by the time I was in my early teens. I made the decisions in that little boat as to where to go and how to make the wind work for me.
As I got older, after some experience in the Navy, I still appreciated the elegance of a sailboat, like the one I drew in the picture. Harnessing the wind is special. Designs for sailing craft have gotten sophisticated, hulls and hydrofoils have changed some things, but the elements are the same. Take command of the vessel and sail by harnessing the wind.
When I met Christ, I gave the command of my life to Another. His Spirit came within me. Nicodemus had questions about that, and Christ explained it in terms of the wind. In John 3:8 Christ says, “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8, ESV)
When the Spirit comes within a person who calls upon God, it marks a change. We don’t harness God. He harnesses us. The Spirit of God becomes the Commander. He puts Himself at the core of our being. We cannot make it happen by good works or our own ways. That rebirth brings a fresh wind, so to speak, as the Spirit begins to guide, direct, correct, exhort, and comfort. It means the follower of Christ begins to relinquish being the commander of his or her life. Now, God is involved.
But the process is not like dealing with an aloof dictator. Yes, God is King, but He also knows what we need, how we need to change, and how to deepen our relationship with Him. We have to begin to let Him guide that learning process. 2 Peter 1 is one description of that process. The wind of His Spirit and our obedience to Him will take us where we need to be. He gives us a manual, the Bible, to help the process. It is powerful and revealing, full of examples, and always points to its Author.
I still think of that little pram sailboat that I completely wore out. I have taken my wife, who had never been on a sailboat before, on a short sail with a sloop and later on a two-masted schooner. There are so many lessons to learn that relate to our own voyage with Him. He is a worthy Commander.
“You must be born again.”
We love sailing and yes He is a worthy Commander. Beautiful artwork.
Thank you for the comments. It was nice to have a break in the event routine to render the sailboat and make the modern parable. RB
Nice story lesson and picture